
An Issue corresponds to a single, physical magazine. An issue has multiple articles. An issue has multiple pages. An article will be printed on a subset of the issue's pages.

GET v1/Issue/Years

Get a list of years that the magazine has issues for, along with some summarized data for each year. It will return one record for each year that the magazine published at least one issue.

GET v1/Issue

This will return all issues for the magazine.

GET v1/Issue/Featured

This will return all featured issues for the magazine.

GET v1/Issue/{issueKey}

This will return a single issue matching the IssueKey provided.

PUT v1/Issue/{issueKey}

Update an Issue

PUT v1/Issue/{issueKey}/Live/{isLive}

Change the Issue IsLive status

GET v1/Issue/{issueKey}/Articles

This will return all articles for a single issue matching the IssueKey provided.

GET v1/Issue/{issueKey}/Articles/Attributes

This will return all articles for a single issue matching the IssueKey provided.

GET v1/Issue/{issueKey}/Pages

This will return all pages for a single issue matching the IssueKey provided.

GET v1/Issue/{issueKey}/Media

This will return all media for a single issue matching the IssueKey provided.

POST v1/Issue/{issueKey}/Attributes/Featured

Finds the issue matching the specified issueKey and updates the "featured" attributes.

GET v1/Issue/{issueKey}/Attributes

This will return attrubutes for a single issue matching the IssueKey provided.


Methods for working with Articles. A magazine issue will have multiple articles in it. The Genre of an article determines whether it is an article, advertisement, etc.

GET v1/Article/{articleKey}

Finds the article matching the specified articleKey.

PUT v1/Article/{articleKey}

Update an article.

GET v1/Genre

Finds all Genres

GET v1/Article/{articleKey}/Attributes

Finds the article matching the specified articleKey and grabs the attributes.

POST v1/Article/{articleKey}/Attributes

Finds the article matching the specified articleKey and grabs the attributes.

POST v1/Article/{articleKey}/Attributes/Featured

Finds the article matching the specified articleKey and updates the "featured" attributes.

POST v1/Article/{articleKey}/Attributes/Text

Finds the article matching the specified articleKey and updates the body text.

POST v1/Article/{articleKey}/Attributes/EditorNotes

Finds the article matching the specified articleKey and updates the body text.

POST v1/Article/{articleKey}/IsPublished/{isPublished}

Finds the article matching the specified articleKey and updates the IsPublished flag.

GET v1/Article/{articleKey}/DynamicAttributes

This will return attrubutes for a single issue matching the IssueKey provided.

POST v1/Article/{articleKey}/Attributes/ImageUrl

Finds the article matching the specified articleKey and updates the body text.


POST v1/Article/{articleKey}/Subtitle

Create a Subtitle for an article.

PUT v1/Article/{articleKey}/Subtitle/{subtitleKey}

Update a subtitle.

DELETE v1/Article/{articleKey}/Subtitle/{subtitleKey}

Delete a subtitle.


Methods for working with Creators. There are multiple creators for a project.

POST v1/Article/{articleKey}/Creator

Create a creator for an article. There can be multiple creators for an article.

PUT v1/Article/{articleKey}/Creator/{creatorKey}

Update an existing Creator.

DELETE v1/Article/{articleKey}/Creator/{creatorKey}

Delete a Creator.

GET v1/Article/Creator/Count

Get a list of all creators currently assigned to articles


Methods for working with Contributors. There are multiple contributors for an article.

POST v1/Article/{articleKey}/Contributor

Create a contributor for an article. There can be multiple contributors for an article.

PUT v1/Article/{articleKey}/Contributor/{contributorKey}

Update a Contributor.

DELETE v1/Article/{articleKey}/Contributor/{contributorKey}

Delete a Contributor.

GET v1/Article/Contributor/Count

Get a list of all contributors currently assigned to articles


POST v1/Article/{articleKey}/Type

Create a type for an article. To see the list of possible types, visit the ElementTypes controller.

PUT v1/Article/{articleKey}/Type/{typeKey}

Update a Type. To see the list of possible types, visit the ElementTypes controller.

DELETE v1/Article/{articleKey}/Type/{typeKey}

Delete an Article Type. To see the list of possible types, visit the ElementTypes controller.


Methods for working with Elements Types. These are used for assigning multiple types to an Article via ArticleTypes and a single type to each Media via the MediaTypeId field.

GET v1/ElementType

Get a list of all Element Types. These are used for assigning multiple types to an Article via ArticleTypes and a single type to each Media via the MediaTypeId field.


Methods for working with ObjectReviews.

POST v1/Article/{articleKey}/ObjectReview

Create an objectReview for an article.

POST v1/Article/{articleKey}/ObjectReview/{objectReviewKey}

Update a ObjectReview.

DELETE v1/Article/{articleKey}/ObjectReview/{objectReviewKey}

Delete a ObjectReview.


PUT v1/ZoneJump/{zoneJumpKey}

Update a ZoneJump.


Methods for working with paragraphs. There are multiple paragraphs to an article. Some paragraphs contain text, in which case the ParagraphContent/ParagraphText fields will contain data. Some paragraphs contain images, in which case the ParagraphContent/ParagraphText fields will be empty and there will be a related Medias record.

GET v1/Paragraph/ParagraphTypes

Get a list of all valid paragraph types.

GET v1/Article/{articleKey}/Paragraph

Get a list of paragraphs in a specific article. Note that due to the implementation, you cannot call this with any server-side paging, filtering, or sorting.

GET v1/Article/{articleKey}/Paragraph/{paragraphKey}

Get a single paragraph using the paragraphKey

PUT v1/Article/{articleKey}/Paragraph/{paragraphKey}

Update a paragraph


Methods for working with Media. Media is a specific kind of paragraph that has an image instead of text. When a paragraph is media, the text fields on the paragraph object will be blank.

PUT v1/Media/{mediaKey}

Update a Media record.

PUT v1/Media/{mediaKey}/IsReviewed/{isReviewed}

Update a Media -> IsReviewed record.

GET v1/Media/{mediaKey}

Finds the media matching the specified mediaKey.

GET v1/Article/{articleKey}/Media

Get a list of media in a specific article. Note that due to the implementation, you cannot call this with any server-side paging, filtering, or sorting.


Methods for working with Custom Fields. Custom fields can be part of articles or part of Media. The values currently set for custom fields will be returned when an article or media are returned from other API methods.

POST v1/CustomField/{customFieldId}/Lookup

Adds an approved custom field lookup to the specified custom field. The user is only allowed to do this if the 'CanAddLookup' property on the CustomField is true. When added, the ApprovedBy and ApprovedDate fields will be set to the current date and the current username. If the call is successful, the field value can be used immediately.

POST v1/CustomField/{customFieldId}/LookupSuggestion

Adds an unapproved custom field lookup to the specified custom field. The user is only allowed to do this if the 'CanSuggestLookup' property on the CustomField is true. When added, the ApprovedBy and ApprovedDate fields will both be null. The custom field lookup cannot be used on an article or media until it has been approved by an administrator.

GET v1/CustomField/Lookup

Retrieves a list of all custom fields with their lookups.

GET v1/CustomFields/{customFieldID}/Lookups

Get a list of all creators currently assigned to articles

GET v1/Genre/{genreId}/Article/CustomFields

Finds the custom fields available for articles with a specified genre. This returns information about the fields that an article of a specified genre is allowed to use - it does not return the values that are set for the article's custom fields.

GET v1/Genre/{genreId}/Article/CustomFields/WithLookups

Finds the custom fields available for articles with a specified genre, and returns all lookup values for the fields. This returns information about the fields that an article of a specified genre is allowed to use - it does not return the values that are set for the article's custom fields.

GET v1/Genre/{genreId}/Media/CustomFields

Finds the custom fields available for media related to articles with a specified genre. This returns information about the fields that a media related to an article of a specified genre is allowed to use - it does not return the values that are set for the article's custom fields.

GET v1/Genre/{genreId}/Media/CustomFields/WithLookups

Finds the custom fields available for media with a specified genre, and returns all lookup values for the fields. This returns information about the fields that an media of a specified genre is allowed to use - it does not return the values that are set for the media's custom fields.

GET v1/Article/{articleKey}/CustomFields

Finds the custom fields available for the article matching the specified articleKey. This returns information about the fields that an article is allowed to use given it's current genre - it does not return the values that are set for the article's custom fields.

GET v1/Article/{articleKey}/CustomFields/WithLookups

Finds the custom fields available for articles matching the specified articleKey, and returns all lookup values for the fields. This returns information about the fields that an article of a specified genre is allowed to use - it does not return the values that are set for the article's custom fields.

GET v1/Article/{articleKey}/Media/CustomFields

Finds the custom fields available for media related to the article matching the specified articleKey. This returns information about the fields that an media is allowed to use given the genre of it's article - it does not return the values that are set for the article's custom fields.

GET v1/Article/{articleKey}/Media/CustomFields/WithLookups

Finds the custom fields available for media related to the article matching the specified articleKey, and returns all lookup values for the fields. This returns information about the fields that an article of a specified genre is allowed to use - it does not return the values that are set for the article's custom fields.

PUT v1/Article/{articleKey}/media/{mediaKey}/CustomFieldValues

Updates the values in the custom fields for the media matching the specified mediaKey related to the article matching the specified articleKey. This will completely replace all custom field values for the specified media. Any custom fields not listed in fieldValues will have their values removed from the Media.

PUT v1/Article/{articleKey}/CustomFieldValues

Updates the values in the custom fields for the article matching the specified articleKey. This will completely replace all custom field values for the specified article. Any custom fields not listed in fieldValues will have their values removed from the Article.


Methods for working with Document Descriptions. Document Descriptions can be associated with either an Article or a Media. There can be multiple Document Descriptions per Article/Media. You can add arbitrary Document Descriptions to a media or article or use some of the suggested document descriptions.

GET v1/Article/{articleKey}/Descriptions

Get the document descriptions for an article.

GET v1/Article/{articleKey}/Media/{mediaKey}/Descriptions

Get the document descriptions for a media on an article.

POST v1/Article/{articleKey}/Description

Create a document description for an article. There can be multiple document descriptions for an article.

POST v1/Article/{articleKey}/Media/{mediaKey}/Description

Create a document description for a media. There can be multiple document descriptions for a media.

PUT v1/Article/{articleKey}/Description/{docDescriptionId}

Updates a document description for an article. There can be multiple document descriptions for an article.

PUT v1/Article/{articleKey}/Media/{mediaKey}/Description/{docDescriptionId}

Updates a document description for a media. There can be multiple document descriptions for a media.

DELETE v1/Article/{articleKey}/Description/{docDescriptionId}

Deletes a document description for an article. There can be multiple document descriptions for an article.

DELETE v1/Article/{articleKey}/Media/{mediaKey}/Description/{docDescriptionId}

Deletes a document description for a media. There can be multiple document descriptions for a media.

GET v1/Article/{articleKey}/Description/Suggest

Based on an article's Genre and the Custom Field Values currently assigned to the article, provide a list of suggested document descriptions. If a user wants to assign a document description to an article, there is a separate API endpoint for creating a document description.

GET v1/Article/{articleKey}/Media/{mediaKey}/Description/Suggest

Based on an article's Genre and the Custom Field Values currently assigned to a related media, provide a list of suggested document descriptions. If a user wants to assign a document description to a media, there is a separate API endpoint for creating a document description.


Methods for working with Document Types. Document Types can be associated with either an Article or a Media.

GET v1/DocumentTypes/Article

Get a list of document types that are valid for articles

GET v1/DocumentTypes/Media

Get a list of document types that are valid for media


Methods for finding interesting sample data to work with

GET v1/Sample/CustomFieldValues/Article/min/{minFieldValueLength}/max/{maxFieldValueLength}

Get sample data for Article Custom Field Values where the length of the internal representation of the custom field values is in the specified range

GET v1/Sample/CustomFieldValues/Media/min/{minFieldValueLength}/max/{maxFieldValueLength}

Get sample data for Media Custom Field Values where the length of the internal representation of the custom field values is in the specified range


GET Version

Returns version of the API


POST v1/Topic/Update

Updates the Topic

GET v1/Topic/{topicId}/Articles

Get a list of all Sections. These are used for assigning multiple sections to an Article via Sections.

GET v1/Topic/{topicId}/Modules

Get a list of all Sections. These are used for assigning multiple sections to an Article via Sections.

GET v1/Topic/{topicId}/Module/Articles

Get a list of all Sections. These are used for assigning multiple sections to an Article via Sections.

GET v1/Topic/{topicId}/Articles/Count

Get a list of all Sections. These are used for assigning multiple sections to an Article via Sections.

POST v1/Topic/Update/Relationships

Get a list of all Sections. These are used for assigning multiple sections to an Article via Sections.

POST v1/Topic/Insert/Relationship

POST v1/Topic/Delete/Relationship

POST v1/Topic/Module/Article/Insert

No documentation available.

POST v1/Topic/Module/Article/Delete

No documentation available.

POST v1/Topic/Module/Articles/Update

No documentation available.

POST v1/Topic/Module/Update

No documentation available.

GET v1/Topics/ByTypeName/{name}

GET v1/Topics/ByTypeName/{name}/Article/{articleKey}

POST v1/Topic/{topicId}/ImageUrl

Finds the article matching the specified articleKey and updates the body text.


POST v1/Article/{articleKey}/Section

Create a Section for an article.

PUT v1/Article/{articleKey}/Section/{sectionKey}

Update a section.

DELETE v1/Article/{articleKey}/Section/{sectionKey}

Delete a section.

GET v1/Section

Get a list of all Sections. These are used for assigning multiple sections to an Article via Sections.

GET v1/Section/{section}/Articles

Get a list of all Sections. These are used for assigning multiple sections to an Article via Sections.


GET v1/Image/VerificationKey

Finds the image verification key of the client.


GET v1/Article/{articleKey}/Tags

Tag an Article

POST v1/Tag/Add

Tag an Article

POST v1/Tag/Delete

Tag an Article


POST v1/Batch/Add

Finds the article matching the specified articleKey.

GET v1/Batch/{batchId}

Get batch by BatchID

GET v1/Batches

Get all Batches

GET v1/Batch/IssueProcesses

Get all IssueProcesses

GET v1/Batch/Latest

Finds the last batch matching the specified publication prefix.

GET v1/Batch/{batchId}/Messages

Get all messages associated with a batch

GET v1/Batch/Settings

Get TitleSettings for this publication

POST v1/Batch/Settings/Update

Get TitleSettings for this publication